
Jaroslav Novák was born on December 28, 1961 / the day Pablo Picasso drew his dove of peace / in Trenčín, Slovakia. He spent his childhood and youth in Bratislava, where he completed his school and high school studies. He completed her college preparation with the academic painter Professor Daniel Fischer. He studied art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava between 1981 and 1987.

He completed studio studies with professors:

  • Ivan Vychlopen akad. mal.
  • Milan Rašla akad. mal.
  • Oto Ľupták akad. mal.

in the department of applied graphics.

After finishing his studies, he devoted himself to graphic design. They successfully participated in many competitions. He cooperated with many companies, mainly in the food industry and in production. Work in the field of design also led him to entrepreneurial activity and the production of packaging, printing and advertisements. Among the most important business partners were important companies of Slovak society such as Hubert Sereď, Zlatý bažant Hurbanovo, Víno Nitra, Sobrance wineries, Víno Macík, Slovakofarma Hlohovec, Pivovar Šariš Michalovce, Mäsopriemysel, 20 years of cooperation with IKEA as the largest Slovak supplier of packaging and the largest processor of corrugated cardboard in Slovakia.

Od roku 1998 žije a tvorí v Sládkovičove. Je ženatý a má dvoch synov. Od roku 2014 sa venuje výlučne voľnej tvorbe. Jeho obrazy sa nachádzajú v súkromných zbierkach na Slovensku v Maďarsku, v Čechách a v USA.